New York park goes to the dogs for 25th Halloween dog parade
Manhattan’s Tompkins Square Park host the nation’s largest Halloween dog parade on Saturday, with hundreds of dogs attending in costumes as superheroes, dinosaurs and the pope. Thousands of spectators lapped it up to see every imaginable breed paraded one by one to preen before judges in the hopes of a Best in Show award at the 25th annual outing.
Affected by the affection of strangers, the participating dogs mostly weren’t barking at all, just like they all got stage fright.
A dachshund, Daisy Mae, dressed from head to tail in a Stegosaurus dinosaur suit shied away from the affection of strangers. Her host Robert Krzywicki thus said:”“She’s pretending she doesn’t know me! She’s saying, ‘Help! Somebody adopt me! Look what he made me do!’”
新聞來源:New York Times Photo Credit to U.S. News.
2015年10月28日 星期三
2015年10月27日 星期二
- 高調角色扮演
- 經典動漫電玩角色
- 萌萌小動物
AJ Wu(@ajmeows)張貼的相片 於 張貼@ezcosplay 張貼的相片 於 張貼
- 低調節慶時尚
- 服裝配色
- 經典:
- 摩登:
- 飾品配件
- 自然風:橡實、落葉、稻草、南瓜等秋之美食 (但別把大閘蟹放在身上!拜託別這樣!)
- 神秘風:黑貓、蝙蝠、蜘蛛網、新月
A. 橘色 x 黑色:來自經典南瓜燈籠的不敗配色,一眼就有萬聖感。
A. 紫色 x 黑色:魔幻感的紫色搭上黑色可以更有層次,
B. 綠色 x 黑色:燐燐鬼火、巫婆魔藥鍋,有點邪氣的鬼靈精路線。
C. 紅色 x 黑色:簡單大方的紅黑風格,非常時尚又俐落的選擇。
D. 紫色 x 綠色:神秘詭譎的化學感配色,但比例拿捏要小心,
(X)紅色 x 綠色:除非你想扮成蕃茄、辣椒、聖誕老人或是紅綠
更多有趣的圖文故事盡在~聽故事學英文Talking Apps!
2015年10月26日 星期一
美國共和黨總統參選人,地產大亨川普(Donald Trump)週五又再次語出驚人,要他的對手跟他一樣拒收大額捐款。他表示:「我已經否認所有打著我的名號募得的款項,也要求他們全數退還給捐款者,並且我認為所有的總統候選人都應該照著做。」
除了抱怨美國超級政治行動委員會(super PAC’s)會讓大企業藉機操弄美國政治,他也自信地表示自己是自掏腰包來競選,不接受大額捐款,所以完全不會被金錢收買。
Republican Trump Calls on White House Rivals to Drop Super PACs
U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, who is also a monopoly, on Friday stunned everyone again as he called on his rivals to disband their Super PACs.
“I have disavowed all Super PACs, requested the return of all donations made to said PACs, and I am calling on all presidential candidates to do the same.” Trump said in a statement.
Trump has complained repeatedly that Super PACs allow corporate entities and lobbyists to have undue influence. He also said confidently that because he is self-funding the bulk of his campaign to be the Republican Party's nominee for the November 2016 presidential election, he is not beholden to special interests.
PS : 不是所有候選人都是地產大亨呢,不收捐款怎麼選呀。。。
2015年10月23日 星期五

但這種情況是否只適用於教育程度或社經地位較高的使用者?Coursera的創辦人Daphne Koller說:「我們的確有不少使用者擁有大學學歷,甚至畢業於研究所。然而在Coursera裡收穫最多的人,卻是那些來自新興國家、不一定念過大學的使用者們。」
source: coursera (see full image)
China's President Xi Jinping and David Cameron have held talks at Chequers on the third day of Mr Xi's state visit to the UK.
習近平帶著三百億英鎊的商業及投資協議,以財神爺的姿態降臨英國。英相卡麥隆在白金漢郡款待習近平及其妻子彭麗媛。兩位國家領袖在會後發表了聯合聲明,指中英關係進入了「黃金時代」。在這之前兩人還去了里斯伯樂王子城附近的酒吧, 享用了英國著名的炸魚薯條和啤酒。當然為了給這位財神爺最高規格的待遇,英國女王伊麗莎白二世和幾位公爵都已經接見過他了,連女王都大讚這次的訪問是一個里程碑。尷尬的是,關於中國大陸不良的人權紀錄雖在訪問中被提及,在聲明中仍隻字未提,果然三百億的商機還是讓人不得不向財神爺低頭了嗎?
Xi JingPing just had a state visit to the UK with a more than £30bn business and development deal, just like a God of Wealth. Mr Cameron hosted Mr Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan at his official country retreat in Buckinghamshire. In a joint statement earlier, the leaders praised the trip as opening a "golden era" in UK-China relations. On Thursday evening, the pair visited a pub near Princes Risborough for fish and chips and a pint. In order to give the God of Wealth a high-profile reception, the Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh has bidden farewell to Mr Xi. Even the Queen has hailed the president's "milestone" trip. What is embarrassingly, though there have been demonstrations over China's record on human rights during the four-day visit, it isn’t mentioned in the joint statement. Should the UK surrender its principles for £30bn?
所以有錢能使鬼推磨 ?!
來看看英國民眾看待夾道歡迎習主席到來的擁護者是什麼感覺 ? (延伸報導來自立場新聞)
China's President Xi Jinping and David Cameron have held talks at Chequers on the third day of Mr Xi's state visit to the UK.
習近平帶著三百億英鎊的商業及投資協議,以財神爺的姿態降臨英國。英相卡麥隆在白金漢郡款待習近平及其妻子彭麗媛。兩位國家領袖在會後發表了聯合聲明,指中英關係進入了「黃金時代」。在這之前兩人還去了里斯伯樂王子城附近的酒吧, 享用了英國著名的炸魚薯條和啤酒。當然為了給這位財神爺最高規格的待遇,英國女王伊麗莎白二世和幾位公爵都已經接見過他了,連女王都大讚這次的訪問是一個里程碑。尷尬的是,關於中國大陸不良的人權紀錄雖在訪問中被提及,在聲明中仍隻字未提,果然三百億的商機還是讓人不得不向財神爺低頭了嗎?
Xi JingPing just had a state visit to the UK with a more than £30bn business and development deal, just like a God of Wealth. Mr Cameron hosted Mr Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan at his official country retreat in Buckinghamshire. In a joint statement earlier, the leaders praised the trip as opening a "golden era" in UK-China relations. On Thursday evening, the pair visited a pub near Princes Risborough for fish and chips and a pint. In order to give the God of Wealth a high-profile reception, the Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh has bidden farewell to Mr Xi. Even the Queen has hailed the president's "milestone" trip. What is embarrassingly, though there have been demonstrations over China's record on human rights during the four-day visit, it isn’t mentioned in the joint statement. Should the UK surrender its principles for £30bn?
所以有錢能使鬼推磨 ?!
來看看英國民眾看待夾道歡迎習主席到來的擁護者是什麼感覺 ? (延伸報導來自立場新聞)
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