2015年10月26日 星期一


美國共和黨總統參選人,地產大亨川普(Donald Trump)週五又再次語出驚人,要他的對手跟他一樣拒收大額捐款。他表示:「我已經否認所有打著我的名號募得的款項,也要求他們全數退還給捐款者,並且我認為所有的總統候選人都應該照著做。」
除了抱怨美國超級政治行動委員會(super PAC’s)會讓大企業藉機操弄美國政治,他也自信地表示自己是自掏腰包來競選,不接受大額捐款,所以完全不會被金錢收買。

Republican Trump Calls on White House Rivals to Drop Super PACs

U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, who is also a monopoly,  on Friday stunned everyone again as he  called on his rivals to disband their Super PACs.
“I have disavowed all Super PACs, requested the return of all donations made to said PACs, and I am calling on all presidential candidates to do the same.” Trump said in a statement.
Trump has complained repeatedly that Super PACs allow corporate entities and lobbyists to have undue influence. He also said confidently that because he is self-funding the bulk of his campaign to be the Republican Party's nominee for the November 2016 presidential election, he is not beholden to special interests.

PS : 不是所有候選人都是地產大亨呢,不收捐款怎麼選呀。。。

